LiveDune provides a service, complete with all of the necessary tools for professional social media management. Since its founding in 2014, LiveDune has been evolving and developing new, useful functions, from generating reports to KPI. According to SimilarWeb, LiveDune is the most popular service providing social media statistics, engagement, comments management, and autoposting in the CIS.
The first LiveDune version was created by Igor Krasyuk, the service founder, on his own. Many changes have occurred since then, including the growth of social media and the remarkable expansion of LiveDune opportunities. As of now, over 40 people from various cities and countries are involved in support, new feature introduction, client interaction, design, and promotion. The entire team works from home, but we meet a few times a year to discuss how to make LiveDune even better. And to relax, for sure.
Dyuna LLC
Legal address
Apt. 318, 74 Rossiyskaya Street, Krasnodar, Russia
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