LiveDune's Instagram account analytics tool offers detailed profile statistics.
The service analyzes subscribers using a number of indicators. On the "Follower dynamics” graph, you'll see the number of followers for a week, 30 days, 12 months, etc. Analyzing information on the graph “Follows/Unfollows” allows you to find out how many new followers appeared on your or someone else's page. If the number is significant, it's worth updating the content to match follower interests.
TryEvaluating the number of posts, their type, and user reactions helps determine the content type evoking a response from the target audience. The ”Reactions” chart lets you estimate the number of likes, comments, and post saves. The ”Best Performing Posts” chart shows which posts attract followers from competitor pages.
TryYou will be able to rate your account in the Instagram app by engagement indicators such as ER and ERR, as well as compare your account metrics with a profile from one category. Widgets with accurate data enable quick audience activity analysis, thereby streamlining advertising.
TryYou'll know exactly where most followers come from and where there's less interest in your blog. This approach helps develop effective product advertising strategies taking customer needs into account. The map is also color-coded showing area with the most followers.
TryWith the help of a simple and easy-to-use table, you'll see when your page is visited by the most people and the best time to post. The brighter the square in the table, the more effective this time is for posting.
TryWith this detailed table on hand, you can analyze which hashtags get the most likes, comments and saves. Using this indicator to check your competitors' accounts will show you their most effective hashtags, which can be used in comments or posts.
TryOn average, it takes 8 hours to put a report together. Using LiveDune's service, weekly and monthly reports can be set up in 5 minutes and are available for export in convenient formats: PDF, email, Excel and Google Presentation. You can use the time you saved to run social media experiments or search for new ideas.
Filters and image crop
Will help with posts
For Facebook and Instagram
Work from any device
Post displayed as it will appear in your social
Chat support on all Plans
Additional texts and hashtags
Discussion and agreement
In PDF, XLS and Google Slides
Instagram has gained huge popularity over the last ten years. The network is actively used to promote businesses and by many celeberties. Instagram account analytics are needed to study your competitors' metrics in detail and find a path to building a thriving business. LiveDune's service is one of the best tools to get insights about activity on Instagram.
LiveDune's service is designed for thorough auditing of social media profiles, as well as for comparative analysis of competitor accounts. Try Instagram analysis, during a 7-day trial period. Sign up and click “Try for free”. The developers emphasize the following advantages of the service:
The number of accounts you can connect depends on your plan. Choose the Blogger, Business, Agency or Custom Plan. After using our service to run an analysis, many companies have noticed an increase in sales and user activity.
Schedule posts, interact with your audience, and respond to comments and messages with an all-in-one tool, in one place, for your entire team.
For bloggers and freelancers
Try$15.30/ per month
For small teams
Try$39.60/ per month
For SMM agencies and brands
Try$135/ per month
For large teams
Analyze your content strategy and keep track of your competitors' metrics.
LiveDune provides a service, complete with all of the necessary tools for professional social media management. Since its founding in 2014, LiveDune has been evolving and developing new, useful functions, from generating reports to KPI. According to SimilarWeb, LiveDune is the most popular service providing social media statistics, engagement, comments management, and autoposting in the CIS.
For this, you will need to sign up and add an account to the Dashboard. Indicator analysis is only for professional accounts (Business or Creator).
It is necessary to add the account you are interested in to the Dashboard. You will be able to study information on follower growth, posts, and audience activity. Other parameters are only available for you own account.
Audience activity statistics are composed of the percent of active users among the overall users. LiveDune conducts analyses along several such metrics.
Reach is the number of users who have seen the information on your page. This includes only unique visitors, and does not factor views.
In the Posts tab, you can view 3 graphs demonstrating effectiveness of hashtags, but only for new posts.
LiveDune reports can be exported in 4 formats: PDF, Excel, Google Slides, and email. The compilation and loading of data is done in 5 minutes, while manual compilation of the report requires at least 8 hours.
Sign up and get free access for 7 days.