Social media analytics tool

Social Media Analysis

LiveDune can analyze and compare post performance in your and your competitors' accounts using 50+ metrics

Social Media Analysis
  • dodo-pizza
  • setters
  • leroy merlin
  • skillbox
  • movavi

All social media statistics in one place

LiveDune's social network service is an effective tool for monitoring page, group and community activity in the most popular social networks. The service's user-friendly interface helps you study not only basic statistics, but also derived data. This approach will increase quaility, and make your posts, media and content more interesting to your target audience compared to your competitors.



Figuring out how a competitor can actively sell a particular product takes studying their statistics on Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, TikTok and others. Sales volume of a company often rests on content quailty. LiveDune' analysists gather information on more than 50 metrics.


Customization means adapting the service to your business needs. Go to LiveDune settings and select “Take ad likes into account” when calculating ER or select specific indicators for analyzing a public page or community listed in top searches.

Data trends

Tracking blog dynamics will help you recognize which periods have high subscriber activity and which don't. You can set KPIs for each blog and evaluate engagement. Data trends will let you identify the factors that impact advancement of your business goals.

Saving Time by Preparing Your Reports

LiveDune offers generated client reports in four formats: Excel, PDF, Google Slides, and email. There is no need to put together competitor data by yourself. Putting the finishing touches on is easy in all document types whether it's adding notes, deleting pages or adapting the report to your client's needs.

Create a report


Quantitative data lets you assess your competitors' work objectively and incorporate their most effective strategies to promote your brand. Our service will help you build an effective advertising system and create a content plan.

Competitor Analysis

In just a few clicks, compare the activity of your users with your competitors'. Our service provides an opportunity to compare performance across several communities. Our analysis is based on basic metrics, including the number of followers, reactions (likes, comments), posts, among others.

Statistics comparison over various time spans

This useful feature helps analyze community owner and follower activity data over several months. Each row will show changes in relative or absolute numbers.

Get access for 7 days.

Influencer analysis

Before you run ads with a blogger, it's important to find out how popular they really are on Instagram. Get the exact data from the SMM-reports module in our service. You'll see right away if their likes are real or fake.

Check a blogger


LiveDune's intuitive interface makes it easy to find information, navigate reports and graphs. Each section has a detailed description to help you understand the information it contains.

Historical Data

Activity analysis over the last 5 year interval will let you see the ups and downs of your and your competitors' pages and groups. Reports will help you compare the volume of likes, followers, and posts of the best communities. As soon as you connect your account, you'll have access to all statistics on Stories and posts in time intervals of up to 5 years.


Our service is also designed for teamwork and analysis. You can give your colleagues or other specialists access and develop a rewarding sales strategy or advertising campaign together.

Tools for working effectively

Image Editor

Filters and image crop

Al Assistant

Will help with posts

No VPN Required

For Facebook and Instagram

Mobile Version

Work from any device

Post Preview

Post displayed as it will appear in your social

Fast Tech Support

Chat support on all Plans

First comment

Additional texts and hashtags


Discussion and agreement

Analysis Export

In PDF, XLS and Google Slides

Free 7-day trial

Schedule posts, interact with your audience, and respond to comments and messages with an all-in-one tool, in one place, for your entire team.

Discount 10%
  • Blogger

    For bloggers and freelancers


    $15.30/ per month

    • Accounts
    • 1 user
    • 1 year of historical data
    Learn more
  • Corporate

    For small teams


    $39.60/ per month

    • Accounts
    • 2 users
    • 3 years of historical data
    Learn more
  • Agency

    For SMM agencies and brands


    $135/ per month

    • Accounts
    • 5 users
    • 5 years of historical data
    Learn more
  • Custom

    For large teams


    • 300+ accounts
    • 20+ users
    • 5 years of historical data

Our Products

Analyze your content strategy and keep track of your competitors' metrics.

NewInstagram DM
Instagram DM

Optimize your DM with operators, tags, notes, chat statuses, statistics, and other functions.


Manage comments, messages, and mentions in a single window, in line with analyzing managers’ tone of voice and response time.

NewExpress Instagram Audit
Express Instagram Audit

Regular express Instagram audit with transparent takeaways and promotion tips.


Export reports to PDF, Excel, and Google Slides, get weekly and monthly reports via email.


Set KPIs for every account and monitor them in real time. No more daunting Excel calculations.


Schedule posts on all your profiles for a month ahead, in one place. Takes just 5 minutes. We will post your content, collect comments, and harvest the statistics.

Blogger checker
Blogger checker

We will help you pick influencers with an actively engaged audience and no fake likes, so you don't throw your budget down the drain.

What is LiveDune?

LiveDune provides a service, complete with all of the necessary tools for professional social media management. Since its founding in 2014, LiveDune has been evolving and developing new, useful functions, from generating reports to KPI. According to SimilarWeb, LiveDune is the most popular service providing social media statistics, engagement, comments management, and autoposting in the CIS.

11years on the market
900,000+monthly visitors
10,000+active users
600,000+social media accounts connected to LiveDune


  • How do I add my own or a competitor's account?

    Click on the + icon in the upper-left corner and select “Add your account” or “Add a competitor's account”.

  • Does LiveDune provide shared access?

    This function isn't available on the Blogger Plan. 2 users can work together on the Business Plan and 5 on the Agency Plan. You can increase the number of accounts for a fee.

  • What time periods do statistics cover?

    You can review the statistics for any account over an interval of up to 1 year during the trial period or on the Blogger Plan. Statistics for up to 3-year intervals become available once you sign up for the Business Plan, and the maximum interval of 5 years is available on the Agency Plan.

  • Which data are available for retrospective analysis and which are available for real time analysis?

    With retrospecitive data, you'll be able to track posts as well as related comments, messages, likes, views and reach. This information is included in the service, so there won't be any additional fees. Data on the number of subscribers, stories, unsubscribes, and mentions start being collected from the moment you add your account to the service.

  • What is the difference between the data available on my and my competitor's account?

    Our specialists use only official servers. So, the available data for your competitors' pages will be limited by the privacy policy of the social network. For example, you can't examine audience and reach data of a competitor's Instagram account.

  • How do I compare accounts against one another?

    This is done with the help of the Comparing section. The Business Plan supports connection of up to 5 accounts. Statistics across every community can be analyzed separately.

What clients say:

Krystin Aidumova

I start every day with LiveDune. This is pretty telling. No other social media analytics tool could provide me with as many as insights as LiveDune, from understanding how a post performed to deep user behavior analysis. Thank you for your project.

Krystin Aidumova

Krystin Aidumova

Head of SMM, Dodo Pizza

Kseniya Vezhichanina

UAATeam has been using LiveDune for over 3 years. The statistics section is great, with new features arriving regularly. It's cool and means that LiveDune doesn't limit itself to the current results but tries to improve. We also enjoy the Blogger Checker and Publisher tools. Cool guys, amazing feedback, great LiveDune :D

Kseniya Vezhichanina

Kseniya Vezhichanina

Head of SMM, UAATeam

Kseniya Kozhemyakina

We love numbers and have been using the statistics monitoring service for a long time. Most often, we get data from statistics exported to Excel: reports for any period are exported at a lightning speed, looking intuitive and simple. The dashboard is perfect for overviewing the situation. Great thanks to guys for friendly data visualization and responsive support!

Kseniya Kozhemyakina

Kseniya Kozhemyakina

SMM Specialist, Grow Food

Evgeny Skvortsov

LiveDune has been our social media analytics go-to tool for 2 years. By managing real data, we can analyze user behavior on brands' social media profiles and enhance the performance of this channel based on the insights we find. LiveDune allows us to see everything we need in one place and manage interim results. Besides, regular updates and caring support are worth mentioning.

Evgeny Skvortsov

Evgeny Skvortsov

Head of Relations, FORSAL

Stanislav Son

LiveDune is our love. Love, numbers, and unfailing benefit. I've been using the tool since 2015 in every single project I manage. I mainly use it to analyze communities, profiles, and content. Social media marketing turns deeper every year, and you have to know ins and outs of this industry. Reports, statistics, and analytics—all this I can find in LiveDune. I also give a shoutout to developers for the Telegram for comments and KPI management.

Stanislav Son

Stanislav Son

Head of SMM, FINNTRAIL Russia

Ivan Ilyin

I know LiveDune for more than 5 years. I used it to grow my personal brand and find it the best social media analysis tool. Among the undoubted benefits are regular updates and improvements, friendly pricing, and caring support.

Ivan Ilyin

Ivan Ilyin

SMM Project Manager, Movavi

Boost the effectiveness of your content promotion on social media

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