Social media analytics tool

TikTok Account Statistics

LiveDune makes it possible to explore information about engagement, views, reactions, posting times, and other metrics needed to form an effective SMM promotion strategy.

TikTok Account Statistics

TikTok statistics

The analytics service reveals the statistics for your TikTok profile. Reviewing key indicators helps conduct detailed content analysis and determine the most popular topics. Studying the results provides useful information that helps set up hypotheses and data-driven promotion strategies.

  • Follower dynamics

    TikTok is a platform where you can become popular instantly, but it's challenging to get and keep a top position in the recommendations. Analyzing statistics helps you build more effective promotion strategies that provide persistent audience growth. LiveDune's service arms you with detailed followers dynamics, that you can use to avoid a sharp decline in the number of followers.

  • Post statistics

    In-depth content analyses should be based on user activity and post categories. Pay close attention to the number of comments, likes, and shares as well as engagement. Check TikTok analytics for viral posts, and try posting about topics that are as interesting. Statistics will reveal videos that aren't generating interest and should be avoided.

  • Best posting time

    Your TikTok promotion's performance depends on when it's posted, that's why it's a best practice to pick the time strategically. Our analytics will help you choose the days and hours when your video will get the most engagement. You will get more views and likes, while high audience activity will bring your video to the top.

  • Number of Reposts

    Interesting videos are often reposted, which significantly increases reach. A decrease in the number of reposts signals a need to change strategy immediately. With our analytics service, you can track metrics and maintain top spots by selecting interesting and trending topics for your channel

  • Top Tags

    LiveDune's service can sort the TOP hashtags for your TikTok channel by likes, shares, and other reactions. The analysis will enable you to select the most effective tags to promote your content.


Need to Export Data?

On average, it takes 8 hours to put a report together. Using LiveDune's service, weekly and monthly reports can be set up in 5 minutes and are available for export in convenient formats: PDF, email, Excel and Google Presentation. You can use the time you saved to run social media experiments or search for new ideas.

Tools for working effectively

Image Editor

Filters and image crop

Al Assistant

Will help with posts

No VPN Required

For Facebook and Instagram

Mobile Version

Work from any device

Post Preview

Post displayed as it will appear in your social

Fast Tech Support

Chat support on all Plans

First comment

Additional texts and hashtags


Discussion and agreement

Analysis Export

In PDF, XLS and Google Slides

LiveDune's TikTok Analytics Service

Detailed analytics will help you create better videos and grow quickly in the TikTok app, which gained popularity in 2019. LiveDune's service allows you to evaluate the quality of your published videos, improve your content and produce materials that attract your target audience.

A convenient analytics tool is available after registration: you'll just need to add your TikTok account to the Dashboard, log in to the app profile and confirm your login. You'll have access to basic metrics such as number of followers, engagement level, top hashtags and other indicators. After setting up, you'll be able to see which videos attract new followers, get likes, and enjoy elevated activity. Our service uses only the official API, which guarantees absolute security for your account. A trial period is available for new users. You will be able to evaluate the analytical service for 7 days.

Free 7-day trial

Schedule posts, interact with your audience, and respond to comments and messages with an all-in-one tool, in one place, for your entire team.

Discount 10%
  • Blogger

    For bloggers and freelancers


    15.3 $ / per month

    • Accounts
    • 1 user
    • 1 year of historical data
    Learn more
  • Corporate

    For small teams


    39.6 $ / per month

    • Accounts
    • 2 users
    • 3 years of historical data
    Learn more
  • Agency

    For SMM agencies and brands


    135 $ / per month

    • Accounts
    • 5 users
    • 5 years of historical data
    Learn more
  • Custom

    For large teams


    • 300+ accounts
    • 20+ users
    • 5 years of historical data

Our Products

Analyze your content strategy and keep track of your competitors' metrics.

Account statistics
Account statistics

Assess your and your competitors' accounts every hour for in-depth analysis and new growth areas.

NewInstagram DM
Instagram DM

Optimize your DM with operators, tags, notes, chat statuses, statistics, and other functions.


Manage comments, messages, and mentions in a single window, in line with analyzing managers’ tone of voice and response time.

NewExpress Instagram Audit
Express Instagram Audit

Regular express Instagram audit with transparent takeaways and promotion tips.


Export reports to PDF, Excel, and Google Slides, get weekly and monthly reports via email.


Set KPIs for every account and monitor them in real time. No more daunting Excel calculations.


Schedule posts on all your profiles for a month ahead, in one place. Takes just 5 minutes. We will post your content, collect comments, and harvest the statistics.

Blogger checker
Blogger checker

We will help you pick influencers with an actively engaged audience and no fake likes, so you don't throw your budget down the drain.


What is LiveDune?

LiveDune provides a service, complete with all of the necessary tools, for professional social media management. Since its founding in 2014, LiveDune has been evolving and developing new, useful functions, from generating reports to KPI. According to SimilarWeb, LiveDune is the most popular service providing social media statistics, engagement, comments management, and Publisher in the CIS.

10years on the market
900,000+monthly visitors
10,000+active users
600,000+social media accounts connected to LiveDune


  • What plans do you offer?

    LiveDune offers several options: the Blogger plan, the Business plan, the Agency plan, and a Custom plan. You can activate the plan for one person, a small team or a large company.

  • Can I add a competitor's TikTok account?

    According to their policy, TikTok does not provide statistics on competitors through their official API. LiveDune's service works within the framework of the official API and cannot provide such features.

  • How do I analyze TikTok videos?

    An account needs to be added to the Dashboard to analyze a video. To do so, click on the icon located in the upper left corner, and select the appropriate option. After that, log in to your social network profile and allow LiveDune to access the account. Comprehensive statistics including all types of follower numbers, activity, and engagement, will be available for you.

  • How do I compare my account period over period?

    The Comparison module will help you analyze your TikTok account. You can add all of your TikTok accounts and conduct period over period comparison.

What clients say:

Alex Tkachuk

This is my go-to social media reporting and analytics tool. I can't imagine my life without the dashboard and exports from Instagram profiles. Data exported with LiveDune is used to carry out audits, work on strategies, and supervise projects. Today, LiveDune is the most powerful social media analytics tool and a must-have for everyone connected to SMM.

Alex Tkachuk

Alex Tkachuk

SMM Strategist, Founder of

Andrey Komissarov

We use LiveDune to regularly monitor statistics on our accounts and generate reports. Based on the data we find, we adjust our promotion strategy. Dashboard is heavily used at our company (it's great to have post ratings and Instagram ad performance analysis), and we also love the Comparison module. We love LiveDune and test all new features with pleasure :)

Andrey Komissarov

Andrey Komissarov

Head of Relations, Authentica and Bessovestno Talantlivyy

Artyom Sadovnikov

We've been working with LiveDune for two years now. All this time the service is constantly evolving: representatives respond to our requests and new features that we need are added. We keep track of a couple hundred accounts of our teams, divisions and players, so we need quality comparisons on various parameters. It's all there and works great. It's also very convenient to monitor all KPIs of your accounts in VK and Instagram: reach, engagement, views, popular posts. There are flexible reports with tables and presets for management. The interface on the dashboard is the most convenient and clear, it's a pleasure to work with it!

Artyom Sadovnikov

Artyom Sadovnikov

Head of PR, Student Basketball Association

Stanislav Son

LiveDune is our love. Love, numbers, and unfailing benefit. I've been using the tool since 2015 in every single project I manage. I mainly use it to analyze communities, profiles, and content. Social media marketing turns deeper every year, and you have to know ins and outs of this industry. Reports, statistics, and analytics—all this I can find in LiveDune. I also give a shoutout to developers for the Telegram for comments and KPI management.

Stanislav Son

Stanislav Son

Head of SMM, FINNTRAIL Russia

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